Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ep. 43: Viserys Gets His Crown

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It's time to close the book on "A Golden Crown," so it's also time for Andrew and Manu to close the book on one Viserys Targaryen, who overplays his small hand and ends up dead at Khal Drogo's hands from a molten gold crown present. Whoops!

In the two other scenes, Theon grudgingly has to bid Ros adieu since she is heading south to King's Landing, and Ned has his "eureka!" moment about Joffrey's parentage when telling his daughters that they must leave the city. This podcast is not from the mouths of babes, but hey! It's a podcast. Enjoy.
  • Compare the scene settings between Ros & Theon's goodbye and Jaime & Brienne's fight
  • Thrones "History & Lore" feature on the origins of House Baratheon
  • Follow Andrew's writing on Cut4 in 2018; articles will also be listed weekly at his own site
  • iTunes link
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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ep. 42: Bronn v. Vardis

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Official business is definitely afoot in the penultimate podcast of "A Golden Crown." Standing in for Robert, Ned responds to reports of chaos in the Riverlands with the bold move of calling for the Mountain's head and for Tywin to come to court. Bronn then fights for Tyrion's life against Ser Vardis in The Vale and Joffrey gives a Lannister necklace to an extremely smitten Sansa.

Andrew and Manu discuss the ramifications of Ned's power play, compare the trial by combat to the book, and marvel at the beginnings of sassy Sansa with her septa.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Ep. 41: These Are My Confessions

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Sit down, kick back, and listen to Andrew and Manu on Tyrion Lannister getting a meeting with Lysa Arryn through Mord and the majesty of his "confession." A little bit of the history of trial by combat is also mentioned, as is Robert Baratheon's fateful hunt and his confrontation with Renly about just how good those "good ol' days" were.

Take it away, Dinklage.
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