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Andrew and Manu reach the end of "You Win or You Die," where Jon & Sam swear their Night's Watch oaths before Ghost gives them a, shall we say, unsettling graduation present. In Vaes Dothrak, Drogo swears to Dany that he will get vengeance Westeros for the attack on her life, and back in King's Landing, Robert's death allows Cersei to put Joffrey on the throne and turn the City Watch against Ned Stark, who is betrayed by Littlefinger. Womp.
There's so much to talk about, from the specific words of the vows to the exact moment that you can see Lena Headey as Cersei realize that she has Ned completely trapped.
- Alan Sepinwall on the juxtaposition of the oaths
- The patron-only Not a Cast on Barristan Selmy (worth it!)
- Register for Con of Thrones (this weekend!) with the discount code "Manu"
- iTunes link